Do You Bring A Gift To A Bridal Shower?

If you are looking for the answer to this question, “Do you bring a gift to a Bridal Shower?” then you’re in the right spot.

During wedding season, there are plenty of moments to celebrate the love and commitment of the soon-to-be-married couple. Celebratory occasions like engagement and bachelorette parties bring together close ones to share in the joy. Among these occasions, the bridal shower stands out as the final get-together of the bride’s friends and family before the much-anticipated big day.

But what exactly is a bridal shower?

It’s a party designed to “shower” the bride-to-be with gifts and advice for her wedding day and married life. The shower is a smaller and more relaxed event compared to the wedding, hosted at a restaurant, event space, or someone’s home. The atmosphere is cheerful yet a bit sentimental, as it might be the last opportunity for many to convey their heartfelt wishes to the bride before she walks down the aisle.

When it comes to attending a bridal shower, one common question that often arises is whether or not to bring a gift. The tradition of giving gifts at bridal showers has been around for decades, but the rules can sometimes be a bit unclear. Let’s navigate through the etiquette of bringing a gift to a bridal shower.

Do you bring a gift to a Bridal Shower?

Usually, guests are expected to bring a gift to the bridal shower, even if you’ve already purchased something for the wedding. The good thing is, you don’t have to spend as much on this gift. Tami Claytor, an etiquette coach at Always Appropriate, suggests a price range of “$50-$75.”

Gifts given at the bridal shower are specifically for the bride-to-be, while wedding gifts are for the couple. During the shower, there’s usually a gift table where guests can leave their wrapped gifts and cards for the bride-to-be. Some ideas for bridal shower gifts include:

  • Personalized Jewelry
  • Scented Candles
  • Comfy PJs
  • Slippers
  • A Gift Card for a Local Salon or Spa
  • Picture Frame
  • Crystal Vase
  • Cookbook
  • Honeymoon Sweatshirt

Do Bridal Showers call for specific types of gifts?

Some bridal showers have a particular theme, like a linen shower or a couples shower focused on stocking the bar. If there’s a theme, you’ll find it in the invitation. Try to choose a gift that goes with the theme.

The hosts often include details about the bride’s gift registry on the invitation, so you’ll know where to shop. Unlike wedding gifts, it’s more practical for shower gifts to be chosen from the registry rather than trying to come up with something unique. Your gift doesn’t have to be imaginative; it just needs to match what the bride has chosen.

Should I bring the Bridal Shower Gift with me or send it via the Registry?

Unlike the actual wedding, it’s more appropriate to bring gifts to the bridal shower. After all, a part of the event might involve the bride opening her gifts. If you can’t bring your gift with you or if you waited too long to order it, it’s okay to have it sent directly to the bride. However, bring a card that gives a hint about the gift so she knows or is reminded that you sent it separately.

If I’m hosting a Bridal Shower, am I also required to buy the Bride a Present?

Typically, those organizing the bridal shower also give the bride a gift. If you find yourself hosting the shower on your own (though that’s not very usual), a small and personal gift would be perfectly fine. More often, the hosts, who could be as many as 10 or 12 women, will all contribute to buy a significant gift from the bride’s gift list.

Is cash acceptable as a Bridal Shower Gift?

While it’s fine to give cash, try your best to choose a gift for the bridal shower. Taking the time to choose a gift for the bride-to-be demonstrates your care and thoughtfulness, something she’ll appreciate later. Start by checking out her bridal or wedding registry to speed up the process of picking a gift.

What to do if you’re not attending?

If you can’t go to the bridal shower even though you got an invitation, make sure to mail a gift as it’s the right thing to do. If you can’t send a gift, send a handwritten note to congratulate the bride-to-be on her upcoming day.

What happens at a Bridal Shower?

Whether a bridal shower follows a strict plan or not depends on what the bride-to-be and the host prefer.

Usually, when guests show up, the host will welcome them and might take their gift or show them where to put it. Guests are often encouraged to grab a drink and socialize until the bride-to-be arrives, which usually happens after everyone has arrived.

When the bride welcomes her guests, it’s time for the meal to be served. If there are activities planned, guests might be handed cards for them or find them placed at their seats. While eating, guests will be invited to fill out their cards so they can start playing games and doing activities later. The games at bridal showers are usually light and not too daring, unlike the games at bachelorette parties. They might have quizzes about how well guests know the bride and groom, word puzzles, scratch-off games, or contests like “what’s in your bag?” etc.

At a bridal shower, you might find other things going on like music, dancing, following customs from the bride-to-be’s cultural heritage, and chances for guests to give toast or share their best wishes for her wedding day and marriage. During the shower, the bride-to-be should take a moment to talk individually with every guest and thank them for being a part of the celebration.

Wait, so will the Bride open my gift in front of everyone?

After the activities wrap up, the bride typically opens all the presents in front of everyone which are arranged on the gift table. She personally expresses gratitude to each gift-giver, and the host keeps track of who gave what. This is to make sure that thank-you cards for the gifts are sent to the correct individuals. However, some brides now choose not to open gifts in front of everyone at the shower.

When does a Bridal Shower take place?

A bridal shower happens around 1-2 months before the wedding day. It’s the final opportunity for friends and family to share personal good wishes with the bride-to-be before her wedding. Since the weeks and days before a wedding can be very busy for the bride-to-be, she might not have the time to meet many of her loved ones before the big day.

In the same way, the actual wedding day is likely to be quite busy. It’s considered good manners for the bride and groom to greet all their guests before or during the wedding celebration. However, you might only get a few moments to talk with them during this busy time. This is why it’s important to attend a bridal shower if you want to give your personal congratulations to the bride before she ties the knot.

Who is invited to a Bridal Shower?

Usually, the guests at a bridal shower are the bride’s nearest friends and family. Occasionally, there might be people from her future spouse’s side if they’re close, but it’s optional. Traditionally, bridal showers were for women only, but nowadays, many brides like to invite everyone, regardless of gender. The invitation might also mention if guests can bring their kids.

It’s considered good manners that everyone invited to a bridal shower is also invited to the wedding. However, it’s not a must for a guest to go to both the bridal shower and the wedding. If a guest can’t make it to the wedding, choosing to attend the shower is a nice alternative. Since the bridal shower is a smaller gathering, they might get to spend more special time with the bride-to-be here compared to the wedding celebration.

Who Plans and Pays for a Bridal Shower?

A Bridal Shower is usually organized by the mother of the bride, the maid (or matron) of honor, the bridal party, or another close friend or relative. In most cases, the person organizing the event is also the one responsible for the expenses.

Although the bride-to-be doesn’t handle all the details of her bridal shower, she might give her thoughts on the guest list, the venue, and the games or activities she wants or doesn’t want at the shower.

How long does a Bridal Shower last?

Typically, a bridal shower is an afternoon event that goes on for about 3-4 hours. If it’s hosted at a restaurant or event venue, there might be a fixed ending time. When held at someone’s house, it could go on a bit more, but usually, it wraps up before dinnertime.

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, bringing a gift to a bridal shower is a thoughtful and customary gesture to celebrate the upcoming marriage. It’s a way to show your love and support for the bride as she embarks on this special journey. While it’s not mandatory, it adds to the joy of the occasion and helps create beautiful memories. So, if you’re invited to a bridal shower, consider bringing a thoughtful gift to share in the happiness of the bride-to-be.

We hope you liked our article on “Do you bring a gift to a Bridal Shower?”. If you have any more ideas or any other creative suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments below.

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Author: Abdullah

Author: Abdullah

Abdullah is is a passionate writer, gift enthusiast, and SEO expert. Now, he writes on his blog, "Beloved Guides," where he shares thoughtful presents and wishes that will leave a lasting impression. He keeps inspiring people to share love and kindness through gifts.

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